UserBenchmark Gets Banned From 3 Huge Reddit Groups 您所在的位置:网站首页 why does userbenchmark hate amd UserBenchmark Gets Banned From 3 Huge Reddit Groups

UserBenchmark Gets Banned From 3 Huge Reddit Groups

2023-03-23 04:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

userbenchmark reddit ban

Userbenchmark has for quite some time now been one of the most convenient benchmarking tools around. This is largely thanks to the wide range of components it can test, but mostly because it’s available for free. In a report via NoteBookCheck, however, it seems that user results collected from the program have now been banned (in whole or at least part) by three major subreddit groups. And it may not (just) be because the benchmarking software is crap either!

Userbenchmark Banned From Reddit Groups

In the report it has been confirmed that both the r/Intel and r/Hardware groups no longer allow posting of results taken from the benchmarking tool. In addition, while the r/AMD group has not (yet) issued an outright ban, posts are being heavily watched!

So, what’s the problem? Well, it largely boils down to personal opinions, criticisms of the benchmarking tool, as well as just the internet being the internet. We will, however, (to try and avoid getting involved ourselves) keep this as simple as possible.

Some people think that the Userbenchmark tool has been specifically designed to give Intel processors and components more favorable results than AMD. Yeah… You can see where this is going!

userbenchmark reddit ban What Do We Think?

Now, you can already see how such accusations could be the technological equivalent of throwing sparks on a powder keg. As such, it is our belief that the groups may have banned the posting of results from the tool simply because the moderators were sick and bloody tired of hearing the Intel and AMD fanboys going at each other.

So, what do we think? Well, quite frankly, we don’t care. We’ve been called Intel and AMD shills (often on the same day) far too regularly to even bother reacting to it any more. Well, not unless we feel that there’s a good cutting retort we can throw in. So, let it be banned, if it was because of the users just being at each other’s throat, it’s probably for the best!

Taking it a step further, do we think Userbenchmark is biased towards Intel? Well, at the risk of repeating ourselves, again, we don’t care! There’s (quite frankly) better benchmarking tools out there you can use!

What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!






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